Ok, so I see all these WHAM diaper makers making a ton of money. Granted they work very hard and still have little ones to watch over, but I'm telling you that if I could sew I would make a fortune making custom diapers. Like I had mentioned in previous posts some of these diapers go for $30+ and I've even seen some go for over $100 in auction. Yikes!
I recently discovered a great place to buy supplies. Its called KAMsnaps.com (http://www.kamsnaps.com) and they have some awesome merchandise to help make diapers, blankets, quilts, pretty much anything your heart desires. They are having a big giveaway for 5000 fans I would love to win a snap press for one of my friends who just started making her own diapers. I might not be crafty, but I like to support hardworking moms out there whenever I can :)
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Saturday, December 1, 2012
My Bad
I'm sorry I've been MIA. My twins turned 1 last month and it was craziness planning for the party. We also had our first bout with yeast. Yuck! I tried a couple of things to strip and clean the diapers and the one thing that worked was grapefruit seed extract. Who would have thought the most natural ingredient would be the most effective. Then they both got croup. It was so sad hearing them cough like a bunch of barking seals. What a month. With the new year approaching I'd like to make a resolution to blog more and have you, my readers, tell me what you want me to investigate about cloth diapering. I use to work in research so I know how to get my info :)
My next post will be about wool. A whole new addiction.
My next post will be about wool. A whole new addiction.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Scammers be warned
As with any buying or selling on the internet there are risks involved. This holds true to even cloth diapers. As one CD mom said, "I could think of a million different things to steal than diapers." Well, it does happen. Some of these scammers post items for sale or trade and then once you pay or send your trade item you never receive your promised loot. If you deal trough PayPal luckily you are for the most part protected, but it does take awhile to get your funds back. Some do a straight up trade and bypass PayPal all together. Never do this! Many have learned the hard way. It's very sad that there are people out there like this. Just be careful and always practice safe buying/trading when dealing with anyone on the internet. And those that do scam these moms just know that Karma will get you!
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Whammy...discovered WAHM's!
Ok, so I told myself I would never spend more than $30 for a diaper. Well, that was until I discovered WAHM diapers. Great quality diapers made by moms all across the country. Some are in such high demand that you have to "stalk" a diaper. As the countdown clock ticks by you slam the refresh button about a million times until that beautiful green button lights up to say "Add To Cart." If your are lucky enough to snag one of these elusive diapers you feel somehow accomplished, satisfied, like you won something (more than just a diaper). Bizarre, I know. I got my first WAHM and it is very beautiful and well made. I can tell it will last a long time. While I'm tempted to buy another one I need to tell myself, they poop and pee in this, that is all! We'll see how long that lasts.
Here are some of the reasons you might be a WAHM addict:
- You have your iPad, mobile phone, home and work computer always on Hyena Cart.
- You constantly line-up your WAHM diapers and gaze at them while your kids nap.
- You take more pictures of the diapers than you do of your kids faces.
- You can always justify buying a new WAHM because you can sell one you already have, yet somehow you never seem to be able post it for sale.
- You start speaking in code to your husband, FSOT, GM, BSRB, EUC, VGUC
If you feel you can relate to any of these please check into your nearest Hyena Cart and buy, buy, buy...:)
Here are some of the reasons you might be a WAHM addict:
- You have your iPad, mobile phone, home and work computer always on Hyena Cart.
- You constantly line-up your WAHM diapers and gaze at them while your kids nap.
- You take more pictures of the diapers than you do of your kids faces.
- You can always justify buying a new WAHM because you can sell one you already have, yet somehow you never seem to be able post it for sale.
- You start speaking in code to your husband, FSOT, GM, BSRB, EUC, VGUC
If you feel you can relate to any of these please check into your nearest Hyena Cart and buy, buy, buy...:)
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Overnight Timeline
I thought it would be helpful to other moms to keep a timeline of overnight cloth diapering. The beauty with my situation is I have two babies with two very different needs. When I did this they were 10 months weighting 26lbs and 18lbs.
Ok here it goes:
Night 1 - Bigger twin in Kawaii GNHW
I used both MF inserts that came with it plus a bamboo insert behind that. It was very bulky, but with him being bigger I thought he could handle it.
Results: He woke up completely dry! The only problem was that there were some red marks on his inner thigh. I think tonight I will not snap in the hip snaps. Also noticed the diaper stunk!
Night 2 - Big twin in Kawaii GNHW (take two)
Used both MF inserts with bamboo again. This time I did not snap in the hips snaps.
Results: Much better. Also sprayed inserts and diaper before putting it in the pail. Doesn't seem as stinky, but still more stink than I am use to.
Night 3 - Smaller twin in Sbish snapless and Sbish wool cover
I used both inserts that came with it. For him (18lbs) I wanted something not as bulky and bulletproof. I think he is a heavy wetter. I added a Bummis fleece stay-dry liner so he would feel dry and not wake-up. I had some trouble trying to put this on a squirmy baby. I'm use to my snaps so using the Boingo clip was a little more challenging, but if it works I don't mind.
Results: Woke up dry, but closer inspection it was a little damp on the outside of the wool cover. I think I need to lanolize again. The Sbish fitted was very wet in the front, but the fleece liner that I put in on top of everything was nice and dry. Overall I'm very happy. It seems to breathe better and left no red marks on my little guy. There was some stink, but not as bad as the Kawaii.
Night 4 - Big Twin in Kawaii GNHW (with only one MF insert)
This time I just used one MF insert and one bamboo insert.
Results: Woke up dry, but did have more moisture around the legs. Overall, very impressed.
Night 5 - Small twin in SoCo NILMDTS with Sbish wool cover
Had some trouble using the fold down rise, but once I figured it out I realized how easy it was.
Results: Woke up three hours later covered in sweat. I think I need a re-do on this since it was really hot that day. I hope to try it soon without a cover. I need to wash the fitted a few more times to make sure I have maximum absorbency.
Update: Tried this again and it worked beautifully. I didn't have the fit right the first time so that is why I had problems the first time. Hardly, wet in the morning.
Night 6 - Big twin in B4 (Bububebe) Sleepytime and wool, Small twin in BSRB (Bagshot Row Bamboo)TIAN (Tucked In all Night) with wool
Fit of the B4 was a little bulky, but not as big as the Kawaii. The TIAN fit was amazing. Very nice!
Results: B4 was a little damp in the front, but not bad. TIAN was not soaked at all. I'm very impressed with this diaper.
Night 7 - Both twins in Sbish snapped fitteds with wool.
Results: Just like the snapless the snap sized ones were damp. The wool kept it from leaking through, but it makes me wonder if the wetness bothers my little guys.
Overall, most the products I tried I had great success. The Kawaii GNHW held up very nice, but it got stinky fast which if you bed share can be a problem. It is very bulky so this diaper would not work on a smaller baby. For the price it is a great diaper! All the Sbish were very nice and I felt let my little boys parts breathe, but it was soaked in the morning. The WAHM's (SoCo, B4, & BSRB) did a great job of staying dry, but I feel the velour inside of some of them made my guys too hot. The BSRB is made out of fleece and did the job, had a great fit, and wasn't too bulky. If I had to do it all over again I would go with the Sbish snapped or snapless or the BSRB TIAN. Just with any diaper it really depends on your baby so what works for my babies might not work for you. Happy dry nights!
Ok here it goes:
Night 1 - Bigger twin in Kawaii GNHW
I used both MF inserts that came with it plus a bamboo insert behind that. It was very bulky, but with him being bigger I thought he could handle it.
Results: He woke up completely dry! The only problem was that there were some red marks on his inner thigh. I think tonight I will not snap in the hip snaps. Also noticed the diaper stunk!
Night 2 - Big twin in Kawaii GNHW (take two)
Used both MF inserts with bamboo again. This time I did not snap in the hips snaps.
Results: Much better. Also sprayed inserts and diaper before putting it in the pail. Doesn't seem as stinky, but still more stink than I am use to.
Night 3 - Smaller twin in Sbish snapless and Sbish wool cover
I used both inserts that came with it. For him (18lbs) I wanted something not as bulky and bulletproof. I think he is a heavy wetter. I added a Bummis fleece stay-dry liner so he would feel dry and not wake-up. I had some trouble trying to put this on a squirmy baby. I'm use to my snaps so using the Boingo clip was a little more challenging, but if it works I don't mind.
Results: Woke up dry, but closer inspection it was a little damp on the outside of the wool cover. I think I need to lanolize again. The Sbish fitted was very wet in the front, but the fleece liner that I put in on top of everything was nice and dry. Overall I'm very happy. It seems to breathe better and left no red marks on my little guy. There was some stink, but not as bad as the Kawaii.
Night 4 - Big Twin in Kawaii GNHW (with only one MF insert)
This time I just used one MF insert and one bamboo insert.
Results: Woke up dry, but did have more moisture around the legs. Overall, very impressed.
Night 5 - Small twin in SoCo NILMDTS with Sbish wool cover
Had some trouble using the fold down rise, but once I figured it out I realized how easy it was.
Results: Woke up three hours later covered in sweat. I think I need a re-do on this since it was really hot that day. I hope to try it soon without a cover. I need to wash the fitted a few more times to make sure I have maximum absorbency.
Update: Tried this again and it worked beautifully. I didn't have the fit right the first time so that is why I had problems the first time. Hardly, wet in the morning.
Night 6 - Big twin in B4 (Bububebe) Sleepytime and wool, Small twin in BSRB (Bagshot Row Bamboo)TIAN (Tucked In all Night) with wool
Fit of the B4 was a little bulky, but not as big as the Kawaii. The TIAN fit was amazing. Very nice!
Results: B4 was a little damp in the front, but not bad. TIAN was not soaked at all. I'm very impressed with this diaper.
Night 7 - Both twins in Sbish snapped fitteds with wool.
Results: Just like the snapless the snap sized ones were damp. The wool kept it from leaking through, but it makes me wonder if the wetness bothers my little guys.
Overall, most the products I tried I had great success. The Kawaii GNHW held up very nice, but it got stinky fast which if you bed share can be a problem. It is very bulky so this diaper would not work on a smaller baby. For the price it is a great diaper! All the Sbish were very nice and I felt let my little boys parts breathe, but it was soaked in the morning. The WAHM's (SoCo, B4, & BSRB) did a great job of staying dry, but I feel the velour inside of some of them made my guys too hot. The BSRB is made out of fleece and did the job, had a great fit, and wasn't too bulky. If I had to do it all over again I would go with the Sbish snapped or snapless or the BSRB TIAN. Just with any diaper it really depends on your baby so what works for my babies might not work for you. Happy dry nights!
Monday, September 24, 2012
Visit To My First CD Store
I was like a kid in a candy store. Hundreds of cloth diapers for me to touch and look at. It was such a different experience from online purchasing where I would agonize over everything. What size should I get? Would this work? What if I don't like it? How much is shipping? Now, I realize not everyone has this luxury, but man what a difference seeing all the dipes makes. Some cloth diapers can cost $40+ so I wanted to see first hand what was so special about these "spendy" dipes. Do magical fairies come out and help clean it overnight? Now, that's a diaper I would buy. The owner was very nice and helpful and really took the time to answer my questions. Most if not all are CD'ing moms themselves.
I plan to visit another one in the near future, but so far my appetite has been satisfied with this one and only visit.
I plan to visit another one in the near future, but so far my appetite has been satisfied with this one and only visit.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
You Cloth Diaper Twins?!
Ok, so here is the skinny...or rather the poopy. I cloth diaper my twins. Gasp! That is pretty much the response I get everywhere I go. It seemed crazy to me too at first. After months of research on the internet and almost out of my disposables I decided to bite the bullet and just go for it. Why? Better for the planet, saves money, better for baby, yada yada yada…
But that's not why I did it. Yes, those are all good reasons, but it just seemed strange that poop and pee were going into the garbage rather than the toilet. The logical part of my brain could never wrap my head around that. Now, I'm not knocking disposables. I think its fine whatever path you chose. This is just what I chose for my family and this has inspired me to help others with their diapering decisions.
I started this blog in hopes to educate and help others along the way of the cloth diapering world. Its something I never thought I would do, but now that I'm on this cloth diapering merry-go-round, I never want to get off! Well, until they are potty-trained :)
But that's not why I did it. Yes, those are all good reasons, but it just seemed strange that poop and pee were going into the garbage rather than the toilet. The logical part of my brain could never wrap my head around that. Now, I'm not knocking disposables. I think its fine whatever path you chose. This is just what I chose for my family and this has inspired me to help others with their diapering decisions.
I started this blog in hopes to educate and help others along the way of the cloth diapering world. Its something I never thought I would do, but now that I'm on this cloth diapering merry-go-round, I never want to get off! Well, until they are potty-trained :)
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