Ok, so I told myself I would never spend more than $30 for a diaper. Well, that was until I discovered WAHM diapers. Great quality diapers made by moms all across the country. Some are in such high demand that you have to "stalk" a diaper. As the countdown clock ticks by you slam the refresh button about a million times until that beautiful green button lights up to say "Add To Cart." If your are lucky enough to snag one of these elusive diapers you feel somehow accomplished, satisfied, like you won something (more than just a diaper). Bizarre, I know. I got my first WAHM and it is very beautiful and well made. I can tell it will last a long time. While I'm tempted to buy another one I need to tell myself, they poop and pee in this, that is all! We'll see how long that lasts.
Here are some of the reasons you might be a WAHM addict:
- You have your iPad, mobile phone, home and work computer always on Hyena Cart.
- You constantly line-up your WAHM diapers and gaze at them while your kids nap.
- You take more pictures of the diapers than you do of your kids faces.
- You can always justify buying a new WAHM because you can sell one you already have, yet somehow you never seem to be able post it for sale.
- You start speaking in code to your husband, FSOT, GM, BSRB, EUC, VGUC
If you feel you can relate to any of these please check into your nearest Hyena Cart and buy, buy, buy...:)
You are killing me. I have a few WAHMs. Some are really good...some, not so good. That is when I just went for what I knew worked and what was best for my wallet..(hence my love of the Kawaii). But I have seen the crazy talk on the CD boards about some of these, BSRB to be specific, and these gals go nuts. I need to bust out my sewing machine and make my own fun dipes....I just don't have time and G is moving to trainers soon. I am sad to see my CD days coming to an end in the next 6 months. But I caution you....don't go too crazy...yes...you are still saving the environement...but your wallet will absolutely get strip mined. tee hee