Tuesday, December 4, 2012

I Am Not Crafy

Ok, so I see all these WHAM diaper makers making a ton of money.  Granted they work very hard and still have little ones to watch over, but I'm telling you that if I could sew I would make a fortune making custom diapers.  Like I had mentioned in previous posts some of these diapers go for $30+ and I've even seen some go for over $100 in auction.  Yikes!
I recently discovered a great place to buy supplies.  Its called KAMsnaps.com (http://www.kamsnaps.com) and they have some awesome merchandise to help make diapers, blankets, quilts, pretty much anything your heart desires.  They are having a big giveaway for 5000 fans I would love to win a snap press for one of my friends who just started making her own diapers.  I might not be crafty, but I like to support hardworking moms out there whenever I can :)


  1. Kamsnaps is my fav place to buy (I usually order through her eBay) and she's always throwing in extras just because. I will never buy from someone else! Not to mention she spends a great deal of her time rescuing dogs! She's just an amazing person all around

  2. I agree! They are a great company to support.
