Saturday, November 23, 2013

"You're One Of Those Moms"

Every now and then when I mention I cloth diaper my babies I get some negative feedback.  At the beginning it really use to bother me.  It made me fuming mad. How dare someone else judge.  Unfortunately, we can't help others judging us.  I've come to learn it comes with parenting.  Now I take a different approach.  I find it an opportunity to let them know what exactly is so great for our family about cloth diapering.  It's not so gross; I mention the invention of the fabulous diaper sprayer, the wonderful fabrics going against their skin, and the overall small, but important impact I'm having on our environment.

I'm not there to change anyone's mind or preach to them.  It does however, make me feel like I'm helping someone understand that cloth diapering is not unsanitary as they assume it to be.  We reuse underwear why can't my babies reuse their diapers?  It worked for thousands of years before. Disposable diapers were originally made for just travel.  They made them so family's would not have to be washing diapers when away from home.  When did it become the norm?  I was put in cloth as a child in the early 80's as many of my other friends were.  Somewhere in that decade it changed.  I'm not bashing disposables as I use them when I travel from time-to-time, but now that industry is a 7 billion machine and climbing.

It's hard when you feel like you are the "odd duck" out.  I try and remember that every parent does what they feel is right for their family.  Sometimes we get caught up in the "should do this" or the "have to's", but its good remember that these choices are our own and we should not judge each other for these choices.  It's hard enough to be a parent.  Has anyone else felt this negativity and not just with cloth?  I'm sure I'm not the only one.  I hope that in the future I can let go of my frustration and just let some of these comments slide.  It's not their fault.  It's what they know and that's perfectly fine.  I'm not going to change anyone's mind or beat them over the head with a stick that they are a bad person if they don't chose cloth.  That's not my intention.  My goal is to bring awareness, education, and maybe if I'm lucky some intrigue to using cloth diapers :)

Hope you all have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!

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